Composition by Dr. Michael Compton Performed by Iowa Symphony

Michael Compton, director of bands, was honored to have an orchestral arrangement of one of his jazz chart medleys performed in September 2021 by the Des Moines Symphony (Des Moines, IA).

“I was commissioned by a gentleman named Richard Hinson to arrange music. He dabbles in composition—basically making out a rough sketch of ideas—and then has me orchestrate it for him,” explained Compton.

Hinson, a board member of the Des Moines Symphony for many years and a major donor to their foundation, was so enamored with Compton’s jazz band arrangement that he had another acquaintance of his use it to create setting for a symphony orchestra.

The piece was performed by the Des Moines Symphony on their opening concert for the post-COVID season, and Compton attended.

“It was interesting to hear my creation reimagined by another person for an altogether different performance setting,” he said.

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New Pep Band is Pepping Things Up

The University of St. Francis “Band of Saints” pep band has been adding value to this year’s Fighting Saints athletic events. They’ve progressed quite well compared to last year, due to all of the COVID-19 regulations at that time… this year, they’ve been able to play at multiple football and basketball games with more hopefully to come. Just being able to perform has been a huge success in itself.

Some band members talked about their experiences. Band president, Sarah Deffenbaugh, shared, “I really love the community we have built ever since our start. We have grown so much as friends and as a musical group. We love bringing pep to games, and we are able to laugh and have fun doing so.  I love being able to not only watch the games but also play a part in providing spirit and cheer. I am so glad I met this amazing group of people, and I am so proud of how far we have come!” 

Another student, Vanessa McLean (the band’s social media coordinator), shared her reasons for joining the pep band. 

“I personally love being able to play music and impact the school. A lot of people have been enjoying us being at games and it is nice that they are enjoying our presence,” McLean said. 

There are currently 23 students in the band, with more to come in the spring. It has provided a close-knit environment of students that share a love for music and the University of St. Francis. Scholarships are also available. If you are interested in joining, visit or contact Paul Laprade, chair of USF’s Music & Performing Arts Department, at or 815-740-3219.

WalletHub Ranks USF as a Top University in Illinois

Joliet, Ill. – The University of St. Francis (USF) continues to be recognized by national ranking agencies as one of the top institutions of higher education in Illinois. WalletHub recently released its 2022 Best Colleges and Universities Rankings in which the agency ranked USF as one of the best schools in Illinois.

The rankings, which were compiled by comparing more than 1,000 higher-education institutions across 30 different measures within seven categories that included Student Selectivity, Cost & Financing and Career Outcomes, named the University of St. Francis one of the top six overall higher-education institutes in Illinois. WalletHub’s rankings also placed USF at #32 in the Midwest rankings, and ranked USF #1 in Illinois in the “Campus Safety” category. To view the list in its entirety, visit

WalletHub representative Adam McCann indicated that the website’s rankings are designed to help students identify both good schools and good deals.

“In a fierce global economy, a college degree can help secure employment and keep you ahead of the competition. Though success ultimately rests on students’ own determination and performance, the quality of the schools they choose can certainly have an impact. However, attending higher education requires more than just the grades to get in. You will also need the financial resources to attend. It varies depending on the school’s public or private status and whether it’s in-state. For those prices, students want to know they are getting a good deal,” McCann said.

USF has a long history of assisting students with the financial obligations that a college degree carries with it. Each year, the university provides need-based financial aid to approximately 96% of full-time undergraduate students. In 2020-2021 alone, USF invested over $23 million in institutional funds in scholarships for full-time undergraduate students.

“Inflation has hit people hard this year, and not just at the gas pump and grocery store. At St. Francis we have held the line on costs, keeping tuition at levels lower than most private colleges and as low as some state universities,” said Eric Wignall, USF Vice President for Admissions.

“Everyone, from high school to graduate students, continue to feel uncertain about the future. We wanted to make college more affordable and hold down costs while providing more scholarships and student support. We think we can do better as a university if our students are successful and have less debt. It’s a key goal at USF,” he added.

For more information on USF programs, financial assistance options or to learn more about registration, visit

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The University of St. Francis, in Joliet, Ill., serves close to 4,000 students nationwide and offers undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and certificate programs in the arts and sciences, business, education, nursing and social work. There are over 52,000 USF alumni across the globe. For information, call 800-735-7500 or visit

University of St. Francis: Bigger thinking. Brighter purpose.

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USF Adjunct Instructor Lauren O’Connor Publishes Book

Lauren O'Connor

Looking for something new to read? Take a look at a new book published by USF adjunct instructor Lauren O’Connor: “Robin and the Making of American Adolescence.”

In O’Connor’s first semester at  USF, she teaches College Writing I and Introduction to Literature. Even though she is new to the university, she says she “already feels so at home!” 

She shares that her book is about the social and cultural history of superhero Batman’s sidekick Robin, and how Robin was both a product and producer of the idea of the “American teenager.” The book looks at how adolescence intersects with a variety of identities, like race, gender and sexuality—all the while using Robin as a case study.

When asked why she chose this topic for her book, O’Connor responded, “I started my career as an adolescent counselor, and I felt really strongly while working in this field that the way we are taught to understand teenagers was not very accurate.”

She further explained that the stereotype of teens being dramatic, poor decision makers or overly emotional seemed reductive to her. She said that she chose to research Robin, in particular, because he is the oldest comic book teenager that is still around today, and many different characters have filled the role of Batman’s partner, so interesting comparisons can be made. 

O’Connor also says the book was a revision of her doctoral dissertation.

“It was very long and involved,” she explained. “I spent about four years total conducting this research and writing the book.”

O’Connor mentions that she had a wonderful group of advisors and a great editor assisting her. Even though the process was long and time-consuming, she says she can’t complain because she “got to read lots of fun comics!”

The book has been described as entertaining and funny. O’Connor worked hard to make it accessible and compelling, while also delivering lots of information about teenagers in society today to the reader.

You can learn more and order O’Connor’s “Robin and the Making of American Adolescence” on Amazon, or on the Rutgers University Press website.

Student Presenters Share & Learn at USF Writers’ Conference

USF’s Mary Kate Hynek and MaKenzie Munson were recently interviewed by sophomore Hannah Mitchell about their experiences as student presenters at the November 13 Writers’ Conference. The conference, hosted by the USF English Department, took place on Saturday, November 13. Poet Naoko Fujimoto gave the keynote address.

Q. What was it like creating your own graphic poem during the workshop with Naoko? 

MH: Creating a graphic poem with Naoko Fujimoto was an experience like no other; I’ve never worked with graphics and poetry in combination before (although I am a huge advocate for graphics and writing working together), so the process opened my eyes to new ways of thinking that I can incorporate into my creative writing process. Naoko’s energy and passion really inspired me to create, and she made me feel part of a creative community of writers. 

Q. What was your presentation about? 

MH: My presentation, titled “Dying Rose,” was a work of short fiction and an adaptation of a graphic novel scene set to appear in a future collaborative project. This piece is the result of seven years of collaboration and character development. The main character of this piece, a young man named Briar who struggles with an ancestral curse that causes irrational insanity, will be one of the main characters appearing in the graphic novel. My collaborative partner made an appearance during my presentation, and we emphasized the benefits of images and words coming together to create something amazing. My presentation won best overall performance at the SFWC. 

MM: My presentation was a paper I wrote for my foundations II class that focused on analyzing the movie The Social Network.

Q. How did it feel to present your work in front of a group of people?

MH: Presenting something that I put my heart and soul into was a nerve-wracking experience. Never before had I presented such a treasured piece of writing outside of a classroom setting. My parents, professors, and peers were all watching, and I was hoping my reading would be clear and concise. I made sure to read with emotion, and the nerves I felt before reading my piece disappeared. It was rewarding to hear the applause (and to applaud my fellow presenters) as I finished; the SFWC was such a positive, supportive environment. Presenting in a conference setting boosted my confidence and gave me valuable experience as a writer. 

MM: I have experience with public speaking but have not been able to do it for a while, so it felt great to be in front of an audience again! 

Q. Overall, what was your takeaway from this experience? 

MH: Overall, the SFWC was an incredible experience. It allowed me to make connections, share my work, and appreciate the work of other writers. Perhaps, most of all, I learned so much at the SFWC. I’m so glad that the University of St. Francis has a safe, supportive environment for writers.

MM: While I loved sharing my own work, the most inspiring part of the conference was hearing from others and being part of a space that included so many other talented and passionate writers. 

Submit a Nomination for the Annual Sister Clare Award at USF

Joliet, Ill. – The University of St. Francis (USF) under the patronage of Saint Francis and Sister Clare of Assisi invites community members to nominate someone for the annual Sister Clare Award, with the ceremony and presentation to be held in March 2022. Decisions for the award will be made in late December by Women’s History Month Committee members. The first award was presented in 2013 during Women’s History Month to the university’s founding congregation, the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate.  Other honorees have included Diane Nilan (2014), Cleopatra Pendelton (2015), Bernice Sandler (2016), Mona Purdy (2017), Petra Jamie (2018), Nancy Economu (2019), Roxiana Fuqua (2020), and Dr. Ngozi Ezike (2021). Given in the spirit of our sister, Clare of Assisi, this award recognizes women of vision who have transformed the world in their time and whose vision allowed the light within them to make it easier for others to know or find the way. This award is open to any woman/women who has/have: made a positive, transformative impact and shaped the community; served as inspiration and role models for women, and; made a commitment to nature, the planet, and/or society Nominations are now open and being accepted through December 17th.  Complete a nomination here. Please contact Joanna Kourtidis at USF by phone at 815-740-6444 or by email at with any questions. : : The University of St. Francis, in Joliet, Ill., serves close to 4,000 students nationwide and offers undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and certificate programs in the arts and sciences, business, education, nursing and social work. There are over 52,000 USF alumni across the globe. For information, call 800-735-7500 or visit University of St. Francis: Bigger thinking. Brighter purpose. # # #