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Contact REAL
Please visit our
Frequently Asked Questions
for useful information on access to student accounts, textbooks, technology support, transcript requests, and more.
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Preferred method of contact
Information and/or assistance needed
I have a question regarding registration for REAL courses
I have questions regarding endorsement or other courses offered through REAL
I have questions regarding masters or doctoral degree programs
I need assistance with a course in which I am currently enrolled
I need assistance with my student account
I would like to join (or start) a cohort in my school or district
I am an administrator interested in partnering with REAL
I represent a nonprofit group interested in partnering with REAL
If Other, please provide additional information
Education programs of interest
M.Ed. - Initial Professional Educator License
M.S. Educational Leadership - Principal
M.S. Educational Leadership - Teacher Leader
M.S. Reading - Reading Specialist
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Adult TESOL
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Best Practices
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Bilingual Education or ESL
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Educational Technology
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Health Education
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Instructional Coach
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Reading
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Special Education
M.S. Teaching & Learning - Undecided
Ed.D. Educational Leadership - Leadership
Ed.D. Educational Leadership - Superintendent
Graduate Certificate Programs - Instructional Coach or TESOL
Other program of interest
I need assistance with my course(s)
Accessing my course
Changing my schedule
Dropping my course
Finding my course syllabus
Finding required textbooks
Getting in touch with my instructor
Other course assistance (please explain)
I need assistance with my account
Login information or access to MyUSF student account
Billing (course tuition, refunds, etc.)
Other account assistance (please explain)
School or District Name
What type of cohort are you interested in joining or starting?
How can we help you today?
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