As an integral part of our Catholic Franciscan University, University Ministry and its staff are here to serve and welcome each member of the USF community no matter your faith or religious background. Following the example of our patrons saints Francis and Clare, we challenge students to recognize God’s presence in all things. University Ministry at St. Francis is centered on our four cornerstones of prayer, discipleship, community, and service. All are invited to join in the faith
life of this vibrant community.
The University Ministry staff strives to serve and welcome each member of the USF community, no matter their faith or religious background. University Ministry is centered on four cornerstones of prayer, discipleship, community, and service. All are invited to join in the vibrant faith life of the University of St. Francis… learn more by watching our video!
(December 1-7, 2024)
By Dr. Michael Poradek, Vice President for Mission Integration
Note: Masses on feast days and holy days of obligation will be announced. This schedule will change during school breaks, holidays, and over the summer. Reconciliation is offered by appointment with our chaplain.
Mass at 6 p.m. in the St. Joseph Chapel (Motherhouse)
Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays
Mass at 12:15 p.m. in the St. Joseph Chapel (Motherhouse)
Interfaith Prayer Service at 12:15 p.m. in the Interfaith Prayer Space (Tower Hall 305)
Mass at 12:15 p.m. in the St. Francis of Mary Immaculate Chapel at the St. Clare Campus
St. Joseph Chapel (Main Campus)
Located on the third floor of the Motherhouse, the St. Joseph Chapel was dedicated in 1893 and originally served as the spiritual home of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, the university’s sponsoring congregation. Today, the chapel is used for university liturgies, prayer, and peaceful reflection. The chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when school is in session.
Interfaith Reflection Space (Main Campus)
This space, directly across the hall from St. Joseph Chapel, is a place for quiet reflection and prayer for people of all faiths.
Tower Hall Chapel (Main Campus)
This small chapel is located on the third floor of Tower Hall.
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate Chapel (St. Clare Campus)
This cozy chapel is located on the second floor of Guardian Angel Hall.
University Ministry is comprised of professional full-time staff and a group of student leaders called Peer Ministers. Peer Ministers’ responsibilities can include organizing programming in residence halls, leading small faith communities, helping to lead retreats, serving as lectors, musicians and Eucharistic Ministers at Mass, planning service projects and much more.
For information on how to become a Peer Minister, contact University Ministry.
University Ministry offers two retreats each year. Each semester, students have the opportunity to participate in an overnight retreat offered by University Ministry. Students of all faiths and of no faith at all are welcome to participate in our retreats. Please contact University Ministry.
During breaks and over the summer, University Ministry offers students the opportunity to serve, learn, and grow through mission experiences. If you would like more information about participating in any of these opportunities, please contact University Ministry.
The University of St. Francis students have the opportunity to join other universities to travel to Bacolod, Philippines. The primary goal of the mission is to build a house with the Gawad Kalinga organization. Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation, Inc. (GK) is a Philippine-based movement that aims to end poverty for 5 million families. Students who attend also dialogue with local university students and spend time with families in the village.
INTERESTED? Contact University Ministry
In collaboration with the Rec Club, students have the opportunity to travel to Utah for a service trip assisting physically challenged students and veterans enjoy skiing and snowboarding.
INTERESTED? Contact University Ministry
Alumni and select other friends of St. Francis are eligible to use the St. Joseph Chapel for the celebration of their wedding ceremony. The wedding couple must include at least one alumnus/a and it must be a Catholic wedding ceremony approved by the Diocese of Joliet. If you are interested in getting married in the St. Joseph Chapel, please contact University Ministry.
Dr. Michael Poradek
Vice President of Mission Integration
Fr. Michael Jennrich, OFM
Sr. Gayle Rusbasan, OSF
University Minister
Se ofrece Confesión con cita previa con nuestro capellán
St. Joseph Chapel (Campus principal)
Situada en la tercera planta de la Casa Madre, la St. Joseph Chapel se inauguró en 1893 y fue el hogar espiritual de las Hermanas de St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, congregación patrocinadora de la universidad. Hoy en día, la capilla se utiliza para liturgias universitarias, oración y reflexión pacífica. La capilla está abierta 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, cuando hay clases.
Espacio de reflexión interconfesional (Campus principal)
Este espacio, situado justo enfrente de St. Joseph Chapel, es un lugar de reflexión y oración para personas de todas las creencias.
Tower Hall Chapel (Campus principal)
Esta pequeña capilla se encuentra en la tercera planta de Tower Hall.
Hermanas de St. Francis of Mary Immaculate Chapel (St. Clare Campus)
Esta acogedora capilla se encuentra en la segunda planta de Guardian Angel Hall.
La Pastoral universitaria está compuesta por personal profesional a tiempo completo y un grupo de líderes estudiantiles llamados Secretarios entre iguales. Las responsabilidades de los Secretarios pueden incluir la organización de programas en las residencias estudiantiles, dirigir pequeñas comunidades de fe, ayudar a dirigir retiros, servir como lectores, músicos y ministros de la Eucaristía en la misa, planificar proyectos de servicio y mucho más.
Para obtener información sobre cómo convertirse en un Secretario entre iguales, póngase en contacto con la Pastoral universitaria.
La Pastoral universitaria ofrece dos retiros al año. Cada semestre, los alumnos tienen la oportunidad de participar en un retiro nocturno ofrecido por la Pastoral universitaria. En nuestros retiros pueden participar alumnos de todas las religiones y de ninguna. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Pastoral universitaria.
Durante las vacaciones y el verano, la Pastoral universitaria ofrece a los alumnos la oportunidad de servir, aprender y crecer a través de experiencias misioneras. Si desea obtener más información sobre la participación en cualquiera de estas oportunidades, póngase en contacto con la Pastoral universitaria.
La Universidad de St. Los alumnos de Francis tienen la oportunidad de unirse a otras universidades para viajar a Bacolod, Filipinas. El objetivo principal de la misión es construir una casa con la organización Gawad Kalinga. Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation, Inc. (GK) es un movimiento con sede en Filipinas que aspira a acabar con la pobreza de 5 millones de familias. Los alumnos que asisten también dialogan con universitarios locales y pasan tiempo con familias del pueblo.
¿LE INTERESA? Comunicarse con la Pastoral universitaria
En colaboración con el Rec Club, los alumnos tienen la oportunidad de viajar a Utah para realizar un viaje de servicio ayudando a alumnos y veteranos con discapacidades físicas a disfrutar del esquí y el snowboard.
¿LE INTERESA? Comunicarse con la Pastoral universitaria
Los exalumnos y otros amigos selectos de St. Francis se pueden acoger al programa St. Joseph Chapel para la celebración de su ceremonia nupcial. La pareja de novios debe incluir al menos un exalumno/a y debe ser una ceremonia de boda católica aprobada por la Diócesis de Joliet. Si está interesado en casarse en St. Joseph Chapel, póngase en contacto con la Pastoral universitaria.
Dr. Michael Poradek
Vicepresidente de Misión
Integración y Secretaría
Fr. Michael Jennrich, OFM
Sr. Gayle Rusbasan, OSF
Secretario de Universidad