USF Tuition & Fees

Find information about USF tuition and fees, room and board rates, family discounts, refund policies and more on this page.​
Click here to review our Gainful Employment Disclosure Information.

With questions about financial aid, contact Financial Aid Services:
866-890-8331 (toll free) or

With questions about your bill, contact the Business Affairs Office:
 800-729-2700 (toll free) or

Tuition Rates
AN = Annual Rate
CH = Credit Hour Rate
QU = Quarterly Rate

 Program Level & Type


Summer, Fall, Spring Semesters


Summer, Fall, Spring Semesters



Traditional, Full-time Undergraduate – AN



Part-time Undergraduate – CH



Summer Undergraduate Courses – CH



Concurrent BSN Completion Program with JJC & MVCC – CH



Undergraduate Certificates – CH







Business Administration (B.S.) – CH



Health Care Management (B.S.) – CH



Nursing (BSN) Degree Completion – CH



Supply Chain Management (B.S.) – CH









College of Arts & Sciences


Social Work (MSW) – CH



Arts & Sciences Post-Graduate Certificates – CH
(Social Work, Substance Abuse Counseling)





College of Business & Health Administration


Business Administration (MBA) – CH



Health Administration (M.S.) – CH



Management (M.S.) – CH



Talent Development (M.S.) – CH



Business Graduate Certificates – CH





College of Education


Education with License (M.Ed.) – CH



Educational Leadership (M.S.) – CH



Reading (M.S.) – CH



Teaching & Learning (M.S.) – CH



Educational Leadership (Ed.D.) – CH



Education Graduate Certificates – CH





Leach College of Nursing


Nursing (MSN) – CH



Nursing Practice (DNP) – CH



Nursing Graduate Certificates – CH



Nursing Post-Master’s Certificates – CH






Physician Assistant Studies (M.S.) – QU
$548 per CH, but tuition is billed at quarterly rate.
Click here to see the complete costs associated with
the PA program.



All prices include the cost of the meal plan. Students must provide their own pillows, blankets, bedspreads, bed linens, wash cloths, hangers, personal items and window drapes. For more information, visit the residence halls web page by clicking here.

Notes: “Deluxe” indicates extra square footage in the room. “Suite” indicates a bathroom within the room.

Residence Hall & Room Types2025-262024-25
Marian Single$13,334$13,060
Marian Single Deluxe$13,750$13,480
Marian Double$12,230$11,980
Marian Triple$11,810$11,580
Marian Triple Deluxe$12,240$12,000
Tower Single$12,010$11,780
Tower Single Suite$12,680$12,440
Tower Double$11,380$11,160
Tower Triple$10,950$10,740
Tower Triple Suite$11,580$11,360
Motherhouse Single$13,480$13,220
Motherhouse Single Deluxe$13,900$13,640
Motherhouse Double$12,400$12,160
Motherhouse Double Deluxe$13,050$12,800
Motherhouse Double Suite$13,050$12,800
Motherhouse Triple$11,970$11,740
Motherhouse Apartment Single$14,150$13,880
Motherhouse Apartment Double$13,830$13,560
Student Fees 
Athletic Insurance Fee (per semester)*$200
Challenge Exam Fee (undergraduate & graduate)$100
Graduation Application Fee –  All students applying for graduation must pay a fee, per degree earned, regardless of participation in the ceremony. It covers the processing of your final credit evaluation, one transcript after graduation, the diploma and leather bound cover, and graduation correspondence and mailings.$150
Parking Permit Fee: Commuters (per year)$50
Parking Permit Fee: Residents (per year)$30
Printing Management Policy** 
Review & Posting Fee for continuing USF students who transfer additional hours (per credit hour)$25
Student Health Insurance Fee for Full-time Students & Athletes$1,264.50
Student Orientation Fee (first semester only)***$200
Transcript Request Fee (per copy)$5.50
Tuition Deposit$100
Technology Fee****PER SEMESTER
Part-Time Traditional Undergrad Students (1-11 credit hours):$75
Adult Undergraduate Students:$75
Graduate & Doctoral Students:$125
Curriculum Specific Fees 
First Day Materials FeeClick here for more information
EDD Program Deposit (NON REFUNDABLE)$500
Lab fees (as listed on the schedule of course offerings) 
MSN Digital Remote Proctoring Service$49
Posting Fee – Challenge Exam (per credit hour)$25
Posting Fee – Portfolio Credit (per credit hour)$50
Posting Fee – Proficiency Examination Credit (per credit hour)$25
Prior Learning Assessment Fee$200
Proficiency Exam Testing Fee (per exam)$100
Student Teaching Fee$150
Tutorial Fee for graduate coursework$125
Housing Related Fees 
Air Conditioner Installation (on- campus residents in Tower Hall only)$150
Housing Late Cancellation Fee$750
Room Reservation Deposit (NON REFUNDABLE)$50
International Student Fees 
International Orientation Fee (one time fee)$150
International Student Deposit (one time fee)$550
ESL Testing Fee for ELAP Student (one time fee)$100
Student Account Fees
(Late Payment & Payment Plan Fees per semester)
Late Payment Fee – Traditional Undergraduate$120
Late Payment Fee – Adult Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral$120
Payment Plan Fee – Traditional Undergraduate$90
Payment Plan Fee – Adult Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral$40
Returned Check Fee$30

*Athletic Insurance Fee (per semester)

The $200 Athletic Insurance Fee covers the insurance required to reimburse families for out-of-pocket expenses incurred should their student become injured during a practice or a game and covers a portion of the cost of the overall Intercollegiate Sports Health Coverage. The Athletic Insurance fee is charged each semester to all athletes regardless of the method of insurance (parent’s plan or institution-provided plan).

**Printing Management Policy

The University of St. Francis has a print management policy to manage paper waste across the university, and to maintain the university’s commitment to sustainability.

At the start of each academic year, all students are allotted a $20 print/copy credit per semester. Students can use this print/copy credit at the student accessible printers and copiers in the computer labs, resident halls and in the library. Through the end of each semester, any printouts or copies over the initial $20 credit will cost the student $ .06 per standard 8.5 by 11 black and white image. Color printouts will be billed at the rate of $.25 per image. The student usage which exceeds the $20 credit will be included in the student bill at the end of the semester. Any credit balance remaining at the end of the semester will NOT be carried forward to the next semester.

The cost per print image was calculated on a direct cost recovery for the paper, toner, printer kits, and printer maintenance. The university does not make a profit on these printing charges.

Students can check their printing balance and usage by monitoring individual printing charges via the MyUSF portal.

Student personal printers are not covered by this policy.

***Student Orientation Fee (first semester only)

The Student Orientation Fee is a one time fee for all full-time, new first-time and traditional transfer students. The fee covers new student orientation activities, new student registration and check-in activities, and supplies associated with the activities.

****Technology Fee (per semester)

The Technology Fee is charged to all USF students to help cover the increased costs associated with ensuring all USF courses are 100% hybrid-capable. The Technology Fee covers the following support and service costs:

  • The on-going operational costs of the development of online course materials, the integration of new learning technologies into our classes, providing faculty with training on best practices in instruction, to provide 24-7 technical support to faculty and students, to both produce and upload original learning material, and to manage all courses at the highest level of quality.
  • The increased cost of providing all of our students with access to library research services, and the continued expansion of our library research databases.
  • The cost of purchasing, maintaining, and replacing all of the various network switches, computers, servers, and access points that deliver the LMS system, network storage areas, video conferencing capabilities, email, emergency alerts, the MyUSF portal and other cybersecurity tools.
  • The telecommunications lines and WiFi connectivity for higher levels of Internet bandwidth for our incoming and continuing students.
  • The necessary funds that are required by each state for the university to provide an accredited higher education degree in a hybridized format.

Whenever two or more members of the same immediate family are concurrently enrolled at the University of St. Francis as full-time undergraduate students, all shall be allowed a discount of 5% on tuition charges per semester.

The institutional refund policy below describes how tuition will be handled. The federal refund policy determines which portions of Federal Title IV aid need to be returned to the federal programs.

Physician Assistant Refund Policy

The institutional refund policy below describes how tuition charges will be handled. The federal refund policy determines which portions of Federal Title IV aid need to be returned to the federal programs. Refunds for withdrawal from the university will be made only after receipt of completed withdrawal forms. Tuition charges are 100% refunded when the withdrawal occurs during the first 1-3 weeks of the quarter. There will be no refunds after the third week of any quarter. There is no refund for a student who is dismissed from the program.

Institutional Refund Policy

Refunds for withdrawal from the university will be made only after proper withdrawal forms have been completed. The forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. Failure to properly notify this office renders the student ineligible for refund. Full tuition is charged unless the student makes a formal withdrawal. The following schedule applies to all USF academic programs. Tuition charges will be computed according to the following schedule:

Number of weeks from the published start date of the course: FULL-TERM COURSES

During the….Refund
1st or 2nd Week100%
3rd or 4th Week75%
5th Week and after0%

Number of weeks from the published start date of the course: MODULAR COURSES

During the….Refund
1st Week100%
2nd Week75%
3rd Week and after0%

Resident room and board rates follow the same refund structure as full term courses as outlined in the housing contract. Refunds are payable to students thirty days after the official date of withdrawal. All questions and concerns related to the refund policies of the University of St. Francis should be directed to the Business Office Manager, Office of Business Affairs, 815-740-2268. Students dropped or suspended from the University of St. Francis are not eligible for refunds.

Students receiving Title IV assistance who completely withdraw from the university are entitled to a refund of any unused tuition/room and board charges. All attendees at USF will have their refund of Title IV assistance calculated using a policy that came forward as a result of the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998.

Federal Refund Policy:

Step 1 – determine the last date of attendance. This may be determined by class records, attendance records, or the actual date the student initiates the withdrawal. If the student withdraws without notifying the institution, the midpoint of the semester will be used as the date.

Step 2 – determine the percentage of the term completed. This is accomplished by dividing the number of calendar days actually completed by the number of calendar days in the term.

Step 3 – determine the percentage of the total federal Title IV assistance the student has earned. This is determined by multiplying the percentage in step 2), above, by the total amount of federal Title IV assistance. At this time, the amount of unearned assistance is also calculated.

Step 4 – once the actual amount of assistance to be returned to the federal programs is determined, it will be returned in the following order:

Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans
Subsidized Federal Direct Loans
Perkins Loan
Federal Direct PLUS Loans
Federal Pell Grant
Federal SEOG
Other Title IV Assistance

In all instances where applicable, funds must be returned to the federal programs within 30 days. If applicable amounts are not returned, the student may be reported to the U.S. Department of Education as owing a refund to a federal Title IV program. The student must be aware that the amounts to be returned to the federal programs may be money the student has already received as a refund from the university for off-campus living expenses. By owing this refund, the student will be ineligible to receive any further Title IV assistance from any other institution.

College of Business & Health Administration Refund Notice For Georgia Students (as required by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission). The University of St. Francis and the student agree to abide by the following cancellation and refund policy:

Students wishing to cancel their course registration are asked to contact the Registrar’s Office no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Students in compliance with the deadline will be eligible for full refund of any tuition. Students who have not attended a class during the first three weeks of class will automatically have their registration cancelled by the institution and be eligible for a full tuition refund. Students who do not attend class three consecutive weeks, up until the seventh week of class, will automatically have their registration dropped and be eligible for a prorated tuition refund based upon their last date of attendance.

Tuition charges will be assessed according to the following schedule:

Cancellation during weeks 1-2No charge
Cancellation during weeks 3-475% of tuition refunded
Cancellation during weeks 5-750% of tuition refunded
Cancellation after week 7Full tuition charged

It is agreed that this notice together with the University Catalog represents the entire understanding between the University of St. Francis and the student and that no written or oral agreement, assumption, or other statement will, in any matter, affect the provisions of this notice unless mutually agreed upon by the University of St. Francis and the student.

Enrollment shall be considered as signifying knowledge of all conditions, rules and regulations and shall be deemed as acceptance thereof.

The university shall not be liable for any damage or loss of personal property from any cause whatsoever.

Students are not entitled to receive recommendations, degrees, honors or transcripts of credit until all bills are paid and the exit interview has been completed with financial aid concerning their National Direct/Defense Student loans and Perkins loans.

At the discretion of the Board of Trustees of the University of St. Francis, all charges are subject to change on 30 days’ notice.

In the event of default in the payment of any amount due, and if the account is placed in the hands of an agency or attorney for collection or legal action, the student agrees to pay an additional charge equal to the cost of collection including agency and attorney fees and court costs.

A “Previous Term Billing Charge” in the amount of one percent per month will be added to all student accounts that are delinquent from any previous semester.


When financial aid or the posting of other payments, exceeds the bill resulting in a credit balance, a refund will be generated. Federal Direct Student Loans, grants, and scholarship refunds are made payable to the student.

Students will be notified via USF email when their federal loan funds have been applied to their account. Refunds are generally disbursed within 14 days of application. Students are encouraged to check their account balances regularly.

Please ensure that your mailing address is accurate via your portal. Your check will be mailed to you directly, which may take up to 10 to 14 business days. If you are a resident student, refund checks will be sent to RICOH and you will receive an email once the check is ready to be picked up from your campus mailbox. Checks will not be held for pick up in the Student Accounts Office
Refunds are processed once a week, and mailed out on Fridays of that week.  You must have a credit balance on your account to be eligible for a refund. Anticipated credits will not be refunded in advance.
Some credits may require additional review, which may result in your refund taking some additional time to process. If you have not received a refund for your credit balance after 30 days, please contact our office for assistance.
If a portion of your credit is a result of an outside scholarship check for the entire aid year, please be advised that half of the amount of the scholarship check will be held for the future semester.
Please note that if a credit card has been used to pay any portion of the amount due, the refund must be made first to that credit card. If the credit balance on the account exceeds the amount that was paid via credit card, these additional funds will be refunded by check.
If the credit balance on your account resulted from a Parent PLUS Loan, the funds will be automatically refunded to the borrower of the Parent PLUS Loan and mailed to their address on file. Any additional credit not from this loan will be refunded to the student.