University Leadership

University President

Dr. Arvid C. Johnson

Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D.
B.S. – Lewis University
M.S. – Northeastern University
MBA – University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Ph.D. – Illinois Institute of Technology


Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D. was installed as the ninth president of the University of St. Francis in June 2013. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in physics (Lewis University, Romeoville, Ill.) and a master’s degree in electrical engineering (Northeastern University, Boston, Mass.), Arvid holds an MBA from the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, N.C.), and a Ph.D. in management science from the Stuart School of Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, Ill.).

Prior to joining the University of St. Francis, Arvid served Dominican University as the Dean of the Brennan School of Business since 2008, and as a Professor of Management since 2001. He presently serves on several boards including the Will County Center for Economic Development (WC-CED), the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA, Council of Presidents), the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU), the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), the American Red Cross of the Illinois River Valley (ARC-IRV), and the Saint Joseph Medical Center Community Leadership Board (SJMC-CLB).

Prior to entering academia on a full-time basis in 2001, Arvid was a principal in a management consulting firm and worked with companies ranging in size from startups to multi-million-dollar business units of Fortune 500 companies to describe, account for, explain, and exploit the variability present in their manufacturing and service processes. Arvid also has over 15 years of engineering, manufacturing, and senior management experience in a variety of business environments including Northrop Grumman Corporation, Microwave Laboratories and Varian Associates. He founded and served as the chair of Information Resources, Inc.’s Analytics Advisory Board from 2003-2008, and led that company’s efforts to establish a global Research & Development function.

Arvid has published and presented extensively in the areas of quantitative analysis, microwave materials processing, advanced manufacturing practices, and strategic management. He holds 14 U.S. (and dozens of foreign) patents. His extensive list of publications includes 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, more than 20 book chapters and custom textbooks, and more than 42 peer-reviewed conference proceedings. He is the recipient of numerous honors, grants and awards.

Arvid and his wife reside in the Joliet area. 

Additional Leadership

The University of St. Francis was founded by and is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of St. Mary Immaculate— also known as the “Joliet Franciscans.” To discover more about their history and the work they do in our community, click here.

The University of St. Francis Board of Trustees oversees and guides USF in fulfillment of its educational mission. Click here to meet members of the USF Board of Trustees.

The president relies on the university’s Officers of Administration to keep the university running smoothly. This group includes the provost and vice presidents, who oversee administrative and academic divisions at the University of St. Francis.

Terrance L. Cottrell, Ed.D.
Vice President of Information Technology & Planning
BA – University of St. Francis
M.S. – University of Illinois
MBA – University of St. Francis
Ed.D. – Northern Illinois University

Julee Gard, Ed.D., CPA, CMA
Vice President of Administration & Finance
B.A. and MBA – University of St. Thomas
Ed.D. – University of Pennsylvania

Michael Poradek, Ph.D.
Vice President of Mission Integration

B.A. – St. Norbert College
M.H.E.A. – Upper Iowa University
M.A. – Catholic Theological Union
Ph.D. – Cardinal Stritch University

Beth Roth, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.A. – Vassar College
M.A. and Ph.D. – University of Chicago

Lisa Sampalis, MBA
Vice President for University Advancement
B.A. – Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
MBA – University of St. Francis

This group of advisors includes the Officers of Administration, plus the following individuals:

Shannon Brown, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Business & Health Administration
B.A. and MBA – Dominican University
Ph.D. – Benedictine University

John Gambro, Ed.D.
Dean, College of Education
B.A. – Northeastern Illinois University
M.S.Ed. and Ed.D. – Northern Illinois University

Deborah Glenn, Ed.D.
Director of Campus Culture & Title IX Coordinator
BA – Memphis State University
MAT and Ed.S. – The University of Memphis
Ed.D. – University of St. Francis

Elizabeth McDermott, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
B.A. – Hope College
MFA – Purdue University
Ph.D.  – University of Illinois at Chicago

Cedricka Carver
Dean of Student Life

Yeijin Yeom, Ph.D.
Dean, Leach College of Nursing
B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. – Indiana State University


Chair of Academic Assembly:
Erin Evans, Ed.D.

Professor, College of Education
B.S. – Illinois State University
M.Ed., Ed.D. – Northern Illinois University

Chair of Administrators & Staff Council (ASC):
Fr. Michael Jennrich, OFM

USF Chaplain

The primary purpose of the University Council is to provide an avenue for effective communication across divisions. Membership includes the Cabinet and all their direct reports. In addition, membership includes
representatives from the Academic Assembly (Chair and Executive Committee), Administrator & Staff
Council (Chair and Executive Committee), and Student Government Association (President).

The Board of Trustees, through its authority as the governing body of the university, has granted the Academic Assembly the role of representing the faculty of the university. 

The purpose of the Administrators & Staff Council (ASC) is to support the mission and values of the University of St. Francis through representation of the staff and administrators.

"Service is a fundamental, integrating value of our Franciscan heritage because it is through service that we come to know Christ in each other – by recognizing the divine both in ourselves and in others and by putting others’ needs before our own."

President's Message

Dear Friend of the University of St. Francis,

A president’s homepage is an interesting – some might even say funny – place to end up when visiting a university’s website.

  • Maybe you’re a prospective student, wondering if the president is young, good-looking and cool. (No, no and only occasionally!)
  • Maybe you’re one of our almost 3,200 existing students, wondering what Arvid is up to of late.
  • Maybe you’re one of our 54,000 alumni, wondering who’s running the place now that you’re gone. (Welcome back!)

However you ended up here, WELCOME!

USF is a “welcoming community of learners challenged by Franciscan values and charism” that “prepares students to contribute to the world through service and leadership.” It says so in our mission statement – so it must be true! …And, it is.

As I said in my inaugural address, the “USF Family” – our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends – are called to serve and, through service, called to lead. Service is a fundamental, integrating value of our Franciscan heritage because it is through service that we come to know Christ in each other – by recognizing the divine both in ourselves and in others and by putting others’ needs before our own. This is a service based in joy, not obligation.

Through service, the USF family is called to lead and love in the real world.

  • Our students are not only talented but also compassionate and committed to improving the lives of others through service and leadership.
  • Our faculty members are world-class teachers who make educating our students their No. 1 priority.
  • Our staff members work tirelessly to care for our students and to ensure their success.
  • Our alumni are not only the best at what they do – true leaders in their fields – but also recognize USF’s contribution to what they have accomplished.
  • And, our local community members – whether elected officials, businesses, faith communities, other organizations, or neighbors – are true partners in every sense of that word.

The USF family is clearly called to lead through service – and is having a positive impact upon those it serves.

No matter how you ended up on this page, I invite you to learn more about this special place—the University of St. Francis—and the incredible people who call it home. Explore the rest of the website, schedule a visit or drop me a note at You’ll be glad you did!

Best regards,


Arvid Johnson Signature


Dirigentes de la universidad

Universidad Presidente

Dr. Arvid C. Johnson

Arvid C. Johnson, Ph.D.
B.S. – Lewis University
M.S. – Northeastern University
MBA – University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Ph.D. – Illinois Institute of Technology


El Dr. Arvid C. Johnson fue investido noveno presidente de la Universidad de St. Francis en junio de 2013. Además de una licenciatura en Física (Lewis University, Romeoville, Ill.) y una maestría en Ingeniería Eléctrica (Northeastern University, Boston, Mass.), Arvid tiene un MBA por la Escuela de Negocios Kenan-Flagler de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte (Chapel Hill, N.C.), y un doctorado en Ciencias de la gestión por la Escuela de Negocios Stuart del Instituto Tecnológico de Illinois (Chicago, Ill.).

Antes de incorporarse a la Universidad de St. Francis, Arvid trabajó en la Universidad Dominicana como decano de la Escuela de Negocios Brennan desde 2008, y como profesor de Gestión desde 2001. Actualmente forma parte de varios consejos, como el Centro de Desarrollo Económico del condado de Will (WC-CED), la Asociación Nacional de Atletismo Interuniversitario (NAIA, Consejo de Presidentes), la Asociación de Colegios Universitarios y Universidades Católicas (ACCU), el Consejo de Colegios Universitarios Independientes (CIC), la Cruz Roja Americana del Valle del Río Illinois (ARC-IRV) y el Consejo de Liderazgo Comunitario del Centro Médico Saint Joseph (SJMC-CLB).

Antes de incorporarse al mundo académico a tiempo completo en 2001, Arvid fue director de una empresa de consultoría de gestión y trabajó con empresas de distintos tamaños, desde nuevas empresas hasta unidades de negocio multimillonarias de empresas de la lista Fortune 500, para describir, contabilizar, explicar y explotar la variabilidad presente en sus procesos de fabricación y servicios. Arvid también cuenta con más de 15 años de experiencia en ingeniería, fabricación y alta dirección en diversos entornos empresariales, como Northrop Grumman Corporation, Microwave Laboratories y Varian Associates. Entre 2003 y 2008 fundó y presidió la Junta Consultora Analítica de Information Resources, Inc. y dirigió los esfuerzos de esa empresa para establecer una función global de Investigación y Desarrollo.

Arvid ha publicado y presentado numerosos trabajos sobre análisis cuantitativo, procesamiento de materiales por microondas, prácticas avanzadas de fabricación y gestión estratégica. Es titular de 14 patentes en EE.UU. (y decenas de patentes extranjeras). Su extensa lista de publicaciones incluye 20 artículos en revistas revisadas por expertos, más de 20 capítulos de libros y libros de texto personalizados, y más de 42 actas de conferencias revisadas por expertos. Ha recibido numerosas distinciones, becas y premios.

Arvid y su esposa residen en la zona de Joliet.

Liderazgo adicional

The University of St. Francis was founded by and is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis of St. Mary Immaculate— also known as the “Joliet Franciscans.” To discover more about their history and the work they do in our community, click here.

The University of St. Francis Board of Trustees oversees and guides USF in fulfillment of its educational mission. Click here to meet members of the USF Board of Trustees.

The president relies on the university’s Officers of Administration to keep the university running smoothly. This group includes the provost and vice presidents, who oversee administrative and academic divisions at the University of St. Francis.

Terrance L. Cottrell, Ed.D.
Vice President of Information Technology & Planning
BA – University of St. Francis
M.S. – University of Illinois
MBA – University of St. Francis
Ed.D. – Northern Illinois University

Julee Gard, Ed.D., CPA, CMA
Vice President of Administration & Finance
B.A. and MBA – University of St. Thomas
Ed.D. – University of Pennsylvania

Michael Poradek, Ph.D.
Vice President of Mission Integration
B.A. – St. Norbert College
M.H.E.A. – Upper Iowa University
M.A. – Catholic Theological Union
Ph.D. – Cardinal Stritch University

Beth Roth, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs
B.A. – Vassar College
M.A. and Ph.D. – University of Chicago

Lisa Sampalis
Vice President for University Advancement
B.A. – Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

This group of advisors includes the Officers of Administration, plus the following individuals:

Shannon Brown, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Business & Health Administration
B.A. and MBA – Dominican University
Ph.D. – Benedictine University

John Gambro, Ed.D.
Dean, College of Education
B.A. – Northeastern Illinois University
M.S.Ed. and Ed.D. – Northern Illinois University

Deborah Glenn, Ed.D.
Director of Campus Culture & Title IX Coordinator
BA – Memphis State University
MAT and Ed.S. – The University of Memphis
Ed.D. – University of St. Francis

Elizabeth McDermott, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
B.A. – Hope College
MFA – Purdue University
Ph.D.  – University of Illinois at Chicago

Cedricka Carver
Dean of Student Life

Yeijin Yeom, Ph.D.
Dean, Leach College of Nursing
B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. – Indiana State University


Chair of Academic Assembly:
Erin Evans, Ed.D.

Professor, College of Education
B.S. – Illinois State University
M.Ed., Ed.D. – Northern Illinois University

Chair of Administrators & Staff Council (ASC):
Fr. Michael Jennrich, OFM

USF Chaplain

The primary purpose of the University Council is to provide an avenue for effective communication across divisions. Membership includes the Cabinet and all their direct reports. In addition, membership includes
representatives from the Academic Assembly (Chair and Executive Committee), Administrator & Staff
Council (Chair and Executive Committee), and Student Government Association (President).

The Board of Trustees, through its authority as the governing body of the university, has granted the Academic Assembly the role of representing the faculty of the university. 

The purpose of the Administrators & Staff Council (ASC) is to support the mission and values of the University of St. Francis through representation of the staff and administrators.

"El servicio es un valor fundamental e integrador de nuestra herencia franciscana porque es a través del servicio como llegamos a conocer a Cristo en los demás, reconociendo lo divino tanto en nosotros mismos como en los demás y anteponiendo las necesidades de los demás a las nuestras".

Presidente mensaje

Querido amigo de la Universidad de St. Francis,

La página de inicio de un presidente es un lugar interesante –algunos dirían incluso divertido– al que se llega cuando se visita el sitio web de una universidad.

  • Tal vez sea un alumno potencial, preguntándose si el presidente es joven, guapo y guay. (¡No, no y sólo de vez en cuando!)
  • Tal vez sea uno de nuestros casi 3,200 alumnos actuales, y se pregunte qué hace Arvid últimamente.
  • Tal vez sea uno de nuestros 54,000 exalumnos, preguntándose quién dirige el lugar ahora que usted ya no está. (¡Bienvenido de vuelta!)

Sea como sea que acabara aquí, ¡BIENVENIDO!

La USF es una “comunidad acogedora de alumnos desafiados por los valores y el carisma franciscanos” que “prepara a los alumnos para contribuir al mundo a través del servicio y el liderazgo”. Lo dice nuestra declaración de objetivos, ¡así que debe ser cierto! …Y, lo es.

Como dije en mi discurso inaugural, la “Familia de la USF” –nuestros alumnos, exalumnos, profesores, personal y amigos– está llamada a servir y, a través del servicio, a liderar. El servicio es un valor fundamental e integrador de nuestra herencia franciscana, porque es a través del servicio como llegamos a conocer a Cristo en los demás, reconociendo lo divino tanto en nosotros mismos como en los demás y anteponiendo las necesidades de los demás a las nuestras. Se trata de un servicio basado en la alegría, no en la obligación.

A través del servicio, la familia de la USF está llamada a liderar y amar en el mundo real.

  • Nuestros alumnos no sólo tienen talento, sino también compasión y compromiso para mejorar la vida de los demás mediante el servicio y el liderazgo.
  • Nuestro profesorado está formado por docentes de talla mundial que hacen de la educación de nuestros alumnos su prioridad número 1.
  • Los miembros de nuestro personal trabajan incansablemente para cuidar de nuestros alumnos y garantizar su éxito.
  • Nuestros exalumnos no sólo son los mejores en lo que hacen –verdaderos líderes en sus campos– sino que también reconocen la contribución de la USF en lo que han logrado.
  • Y los miembros de nuestra comunidad local –ya sean cargos electos, empresas, comunidades religiosas, otras organizaciones o vecinos– son verdaderos socios en todos los sentidos de la palabra.

La familia de la USF está claramente llamada a liderar a través del servicio, y está teniendo un impacto positivo en aquellos a los que sirve.

Independientemente de cómo haya llegado a esta página, le invito a que conozca mejor este lugar tan especial: la Universidad de St. Francis y las increíbles personas que la llaman hogar. Explore el resto del sitio web, programe una visita o escríbame a ¡Se alegrará de haberlo hecho!



Arvid Johnson Signature