At the University of St. Francis, we provide you will the support, knowledge, and skills to become a lifelong learner. Your learning skills, experiences, and background knowledge will help you adapt to a changing world. To achieve this, USF undergraduate classes and programs are rooted in the liberal arts, which introduce students to various areas of knowledge and the modes of inquiry associated with them.
Goals for USF graduates
Upon graduation, a USF student should possess the following attributes:
- A sense of ethics and values reflecting USF’s Catholic Franciscan foundation.
- Mastery of the chosen discipline.
- Active participation as a citizen of a diverse democracy and pluralistic world.
- Ability to communicate complex ideas in written and oral form that foster continued pursuit of knowledge and independent thought.
- Intellectual agility and ability to adapt and manage change, including the ability to translate knowledge into action and to solve problems.
'Gen Ed' requirements
Undergraduate students must fulfill the following general education course requirements to meet the goals of the liberal arts foundation of learning:
- One course in oral communication
- Two courses in college writing
- One course in literary inquiry
- One course in aesthetic awareness
- One course in foreign language, history, creative arts, or literature
- One course in numerical understanding (at a minimum level of Introduction to Statistics)
- One course in scientific inquiry
- One course in numerical understanding (above Intermediate Algebra) scientific inquiry, or computer science
- One course in historical understanding
- Two approved courses (each from a different discipline) in psychology, economics, sociology, political science, or recreation administration
- Two courses including a component in ethical understanding
- Two courses
More Information
Check the USF Catalog