Sometimes a transcript or test score doesn’t tell everything about a student’s academic potential for success.
To better evaluate your transcripts, test scores and your overall academic performance, we ask that you submit an admission essay to our Admission Committee. The purpose of this essay is to give you (the student applicant) an opportunity to share additional information about yourself, your academic experiences and any other specific information that you feel might give insights into your academic performance in school.
Sometimes a transcript or test score doesn’t tell everything about a student’s academic potential for success. This is your opportunity to convince the Admission Committee that you can be academically successful at the University of St. Francis, despite what your record says. It also allows you to share any challenges (health, family, personal) that may have hampered your performance in school thus far. The essay will also be used to evaluate how well you convey your thoughts in written form. Give it your best effort.
You may also want to address the following:
- How do you expect to grow while you are at the University of St. Francis?
- What do you want to get out of a college education besides a degree?
- What do you want to learn while you are at USF?
- What can you offer to the University of St. Francis?
- What abilities do you believe you have, that you would want the admissions committee to know about?
- In addition to better time management, what can you do to achieve success in college
If you have been out of school more than a year:
- What have you been doing during your time away from school?
- Can you tell us about why you are deciding to come back to school? Why now?
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