• By Julie Futterer

Composition by Dr. Michael Compton Performed by Iowa Symphony

Michael Compton, director of bands, was honored to have an orchestral arrangement of one of his jazz chart medleys performed in September 2021 by the Des Moines Symphony (Des Moines, IA).

“I was commissioned by a gentleman named Richard Hinson to arrange music. He dabbles in composition—basically making out a rough sketch of ideas—and then has me orchestrate it for him,” explained Compton.

Hinson, a board member of the Des Moines Symphony for many years and a major donor to their foundation, was so enamored with Compton’s jazz band arrangement that he had another acquaintance of his use it to create setting for a symphony orchestra.

The piece was performed by the Des Moines Symphony on their opening concert for the post-COVID season, and Compton attended.

“It was interesting to hear my creation reimagined by another person for an altogether different performance setting,” he said.

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Julie Futterer

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