Health Care Management (B.S.) – Online Degree Completion

The online Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management is designed to strengthen your knowledge and skills to assume a leadership position within a health care organization.The degree is designed for adult, degree completion students who want to take the next step in high demand healthcare management positions. 

The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management is an adult degree-completion program that provides you with an opportunity to enrich your knowledge and skills in the fast-growing field of health care. It will help expand your leadership skills in interpersonal communication, team building and change strategies. It also provides specific curriculum in health care topics such as information management, health care regulation, public health policy, and budgeting.

Career Outlook

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical and health services managers are projected to increase nationally by 32% in the next few years.

Transfer Credits

Students must transfer a minimum of 64 semester hours to the University of St. Francis. A maximum of 90 semester hours may be transferred from a community college and/or hospital-based program. At least 30 semester hours must be taken at USF. The number of semester hours needed to complete the program depends on the number of transferable semester hours the student brings into the program. The Academic Advising Center will evaluate previous credit from a community college, four-year college and/or hospital-based program. A student must complete a total (transfer and USF credit) of 120 semester hours to graduate.

Prior Learning Assessment

Many adults have experienced college-level learning outside the traditional classroom.Such learning can be as valuable as that gained through traditional undergraduate coursework. For example, students who have been in managerial or supervisory positions and have learning through work experiences, non-credit courses, seminars, in-service training programs, military training and more may be eligible for credit. Developing a portfolio within the guidelines of the Prior Learning Assessment Program completes documentation of this learning. More information can be obtained from your admission counselor and the Prior Learning Assessment coordinator.

Prior learning credit will be considered for the HCLD 345 Health Information Management course for those USF students who are certified through the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). The award of such credit includes consideration of the student’s current, relevant professional experience.

Course Schedule and Delivery Options

USF provides a quality educational program that fits into the busy lives of adult learners. While continuing to work, students can complete a bachelor’s degree in a modular accelerated format with seven- or eight-week courses while continuing to work.

There are two 3-semester-hour modules in a semester, enabling students to take six credit hours in a semester by taking one course at a time. Students may add to their schedules through online and faculty directed instruction courses. Flexible options and delivery formats enable students to make choices that meet their specific needs.

One scheduling option is to meet on-site, face-to-face in a traditional class setting one evening a week. This option is available for specific courses and in specific regions throughout the country.

A second option is in a highly interactive online format. In this format, students have the convenience of completing their coursework during the seven-week module any time, any place through their laptop, home or office computers that have an Internet service provider. Taking online courses is a flexible, viable alternative for professionals with busy personal, work, and/or travel schedules. The entire program can be taken online.

Students may choose a combination of delivery schedules and formats to meet their specific challenges in balancing family, work, and community responsibilities with their educational goals.

Courses are offered within three semesters each year (fall, spring, and summer), and the rotation of courses is projected for three years at a time, enabling students to plan their schedules.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Health Care Management program requires:

  • 64 semester hours of transfer credit or an associate’s degree with minimum 64 semester hours of transfer credit.
  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Students should complete the application process by submitting the following:

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