B.A., National Lewis University
MHS, Governor’s State University
Van Natta is Past President of the Illinois Certification Board, past Recording Secretary of the Illinois Certification board (ICB} two terms, past recording Secretary of The Illinois Association of Extended Care. Van Natta holds a master’s degree from Governors’ State University and, certifications as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) and Co-occurring Disorders Professional 2 (CODP 2}. Van Natta held the positions of Coordinator of Extended Care and Recovery Homes and, Director of Residential Services in Joliet, Illinois. She taught at Waubonsee Community College and presented Substance Use Disorder (SUD) workshops for ICB, Joliet Police Department, Illinois Department of Corrections, Joliet Junior College and Problem-Solving Courts of Will County. Van Natta is currently an Adjunct Professor and CRSS Project Coordinator at The University of St. Francis. She is a retired Clinical Case Manager of The Will County State’s Attorney’s Office, Problem Solving Courts. She also assisted with the management of Will County Sober Living Homes and facilitated Family Programing and Alumni Groups of Problem-Solving Courts of Will County. She teaches SUD for the Upper Room Crisis Line, Joliet. Van Natta is an Associate of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, Joliet, Illinois.