University Publications

Engaging Mind & Spirit Magazine

Engaging Mind & Spirit is published by University Advancement three times per year, in print and digital formats. Feedback is welcomed and can be sent to Lisa Sampalis, vice president for university advancement, at 815-740-5065 or To join in our efforts to reduce waste, contact Sebastian Mireles at or 815-740-5047 if you would like to receive this magazine digitally, or to change or remove your address on our mailing list.




Community Impact Newsletter

The University of St. Francis issues the quarterly “Community Impact” e-newsletter to university partners to demonstrate the positive impact USF has on the local community and beyond. Contact Clarissa McKnabb ‘20, Assistant Director of Scholarships and Community Relations, at with feedback or questions, or if you want your email address added to the distribution list.

Publicaciones universitarias

Póngase en contacto con Sebastian Mireles, promoción ’23 en con comentarios o preguntas, o para ser añadido a la lista de distribución.

Revista Engaging Mind & Spirit

Las oficinas de Promoción Universitaria y Servicios de Mercadotecnia de la USF colaboran en la publicación de la revista Engaging Mind & Spirit. Se entrega un número al año en formato digital.




Community Impact Newsletter

La USF publica Community Impact Newsletter, un boletín electrónico trimestral dirigido a los socios de la universidad, para demostrar el impacto positivo que la USF tiene en la comunidad local y más allá.