In the event of a building alarm or oral notification, evacuate the building at the nearest marked exit and alert others to do the same.
Do not panic– remain calm. Follow emergency personnel and/or USF Security instructions.
Secure any hazardous materials or equipment before leaving.
Close all doors behind you. Do not stop to collect personal belongings.
Faculty should clear their classrooms and close the door.
Do not run and do not use elevators.
Follow directions given by emergency personnel and/or USF Security.
Gather 500 feet from the building unless otherwise instructed by emergency personnel and/or USF Security.
If it is safe for you to assist persons with disabilities or special needs, do so. If you are unable to assist, notify emergency responders of the location and number of disabled or special needs persons located in your area.
Faculty must account for all students and remain together, if possible. Immediately report any missing students to a USF Security officer or an emergency responder on scene.
Wait to be contacted. Do not return to the building or move to another side of the building unless told to do so by emergency personnel